The Connor Brothers, British artists Mike Snelle and James Golding, are best known for their Pulp Fiction series, a collection that combines imagery inspired by vintage pulp novel covers with provocative phrases sourced from classic literature. Each piece features glamorous, mid-century illustrations paired with thought-provoking captions, like Oscar Wilde's “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars,” creating a powerful interplay between image and text. Their works are celebrated for blending nostalgia with satire, drawing collectors to pieces that speak to the ironies and desires of modern life.
Originally, The Connor Brothers masked their identities behind a fictional backstory, claiming to be American twins who escaped from a religious cult—a persona that sparked intrigue and excitement. When this ruse was eventually debunked, Snelle and Golding stepped into the spotlight, bringing their true identities and personal stories to the fore. This revelation only deepened interest in their art, with their unique, cheeky take on authenticity, fiction, and modern escapism resonating even more strongly with collectors worldwide. Their work continues to attract those who crave art that’s both visually compelling and intellectually rich, drawing a cult-like following of its own.